WHEN LEADERS THRIVE, SCHOOLS THRIVE. SAPPA invites you to participate in our ‘THRIVE’ professional development program. Exclusive to SAPPA members, registrations are fully subsidised.
Thrive information and registrationWHEN LEADERS THRIVE, SCHOOLS THRIVE. SAPPA invites you to participate in our ‘THRIVE’ professional development program. Exclusive to SAPPA members, registrations are fully subsidised.
Thrive information and registrationSAPPA Members $150 Non-members $200 Monday 3 March Adelaide Oval 8.30am – 4pm Andy Hargreaves is Visiting Professor at the University…
Workshop information and registrationThe 2025 SAPPA Conference will be held on Thursday 12 June and Friday 13 June at the Hilton Adelaide, Victoria Square. Registrations Now Open.
Conference RegistrationA case for funding all government primary schools to their Schooling Resource Standard as soon as possible.
View ReportSAPPA is the strong and credentialed voice of primary leaders in South Australia, providing an informed perspective on education issues and advocating for members on relevant matters. We are an association of primary leader professionals promoting public education, quality leadership and the support that enables us to be and lead well.
SAPPA members are united by our commitment to equity, quality, diversity and cohesion, collaboration, community, and democracy; the characteristics of public education in SA.
Collegial support underpins SAPPA membership. Through the member only SAPPA-talk, leaders exchange ideas, share resources, and find answers to challenges. Quality professional learning builds capacity, leadership confidence and professional networks.
Join now to be part of this influential network.
Become a Member
Benefits of belonging to SAPPA include: access to information on current topics, collegiate networking, professional development opportunities and the sharing of common issues and support amongst peers.
One of the most valuable aspects of SAPPA membership is our exclusive chat mail, SAPPA-talk. This is a discussion line for SAPPA members to exchange information, share school policies and practices, discuss ideas and connect with colleagues.
As a SAPPA member, you’ll receive up-to-date information, notifications and advice about relevant issues including newsletters and ‘real time’ communication from the President.
An informative collection of current topics collated by the SAPPA President and emailed to members twice per school term.
The annual SAPPA Conference is a popular and unique learning event and great opportunity to benefit from 2 days of professional learning, collegial connections and networking.
Conference registration
The 2025 conference will be held on Thursday 12 and Friday 13 June at the Hilton Adelaide.
SAPPA regularly provides opportunities to attend workshops, webinars and information sessions covering topics relevant to members. SAPPA continues to lobby for effective and systemic professional learning.
SAPPA's 18 sponsors are enthusiastic in their support and provide members with special deals and savings on a range of quality products and services.