Why Join SAPPA?
SAPPA provides advocacy and support for members, relevant professional learning and a connection to your peers sharing useful information, insights and experiences.
SAPPA members represent the majority of public primary schools in South Australia. There are currently over 500 SAPPA members from approximately 350 sites throughout South Australia.
Our members not only enjoy, but value the collegiality, intellect and responsiveness from like minded peers through SAPPA.
The SAPPA Conference is an annual highlight for our members and gives opportunities to network with colleagues as well as hearing from quality and renowned speakers.
The SAPPA President, Tobias O’Connor, meets regularly with the Minister for Education and the Chief Executive as well as key members of the Department for Education and external stakeholders and consultants.
Membership of Australian Primary Principals’ Association (APPA) and the Australian Government Primary Principals Association (AGPPA).
All SAPPA members automatically receive a membership to APPA and AGPPA – professional bodies that represent the interests of primary principals and school leaders on a national basis.

Eligibility requirements
Membership is open to all Principals (Band A), Deputy Principals, Assistant Principals and Senior Leaders (Band B) in Department for Education schools with primary aged children enrolled.
Membership is $25 per fortnight, deducted from your fortnightly pay (tax deductible) or through invoicing your school (attracts GST).
Become a MemberSAPPA Access
Tobias O’Connor is SAPPA’s full-time president and welcomes members to contact him about any issues or ideas that they would like to discuss.
For enquiries, please contact our SAPPA office on (08) 8463 5845.
Become a MemberMember Benefits
Benefits of belonging to SAPPA include: collegiate networking, professional development opportunities and exchanging of information amongst peers.