SAPPA Pillar Groups

SAPPA Pillar Groups are sub-committees of the SAPPA Board comprised of SAPPA members who meet to discuss topics aligned to the SAPPA Strategic Intent.

SAPPA Strategic Pillar Groups

Pillar Groups review and discuss priorities identified in the Strategic Intent, making recommendations to the SAPPA Board.

Meetings are held twice per term over a two-year tenure and the SAPPA President attends each meeting.

Access information about the 2025 pillar groups in the below menu:

Leading Pillar Group

Leading Pillar Group

Convenors (Board Members)

Briony Ackland, Ngari Boehm, Kristian Mundy,  David Pitt

Leading Well in our schools now and into the future


  • Connect our leadership with world leading research and practice
  • Develop distributive leadership to support leaders’ learning
  • Advocate and support to promote the profession

Inclusive Education Reference Group

Convenors (Board Members)

Julie Murphy and Catherine O’Dea

Key Issues to include:
  • Advocate for support for leaders to implement one plan
  • Work with DfE in resourcing the associated workload of catering for needs of students
  • Influence the processes and practices around accessing services of support
  • Work with DfE in developing sustainable effective pathways for students by: increasing current special options and developing new options for alternative schooling

Learning Pillar Group

Learning Pillar Group

Convenors (Board Members)

Gail Evans, Iain Elliott, Barb Jenkins, Adam Wilson

Elevate the profession through innovation and collaboration


  • Leverage technology to build inclusive professional learning communities
  • Co-constructing networks and practitioner enquiry
  • Providing Leaders with quality PD

Thriving Pillar Group

Thriving Pillar Group

Convenors (Board Members)

Josh Anderson, John Ianunnzio, Luke Kenny

Capable, connected and thriving leaders


  • Advocating for principal agency and co-design of (positive) change
  • Enhancing the wellbeing of our members


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SAPPA is a recognised and respected association of education leaders in public primary schools.

SAPPA promotes and influences public primary education, including consultation on development of policies and practices in the Department for Education and nationally.

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